Small business services and advice for Bottom Line Results
HuxBish Investments provides a variety of services to address the needs of business owners.We work "on" the business while the business owner continues to work "in" the business.We specialize in diverse strategies using technology and business evaluation techniques to help define objectives, solve problems, and set clear customized implementation plans that help business owners achieve their goals.
HuxBish uses a very straightforward, unassuming and non-pretentious approach. After all, the business owner knows more about their business than HuxBish does in the beginning. Our objective is to learn about the business owner and how the business operates. This allows us to make informed decisions and produce advice that is truly relevant to the business owner.
HuxBish begins by going through an interview process to discover our client's insight, interests, goals, and objectives. This process may take multiple meetings, discussions, and soul searching. HuxBish does not charge for the time spent during this process. We believe charging someone while we learn about their own business, needs, wants, and desires is not fair. Why should you pay for us to learn?
After the interview process, should both parties elect to continue to move forward, HuxBish performs a business analysis.Should this analysis not provide meaningful information, HuxBish will respectfully exit or postpone the relationship at the prospect's discretion.If, however, the information is found to be valuable, HuxBish will continue working with the client to help them achieve their goals.